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Join date: Jun 2, 2022
Import feedback from paper or PDFs, including markings, symbols, annotations, and bullet pointsIncorporate changes into your drawings automaticallySimplify document review with e-mail and an external viewerImport and edit 2D and 3D blocks from any CAD programAdd a digital signature to text and commentsSet a selection set for an imported blockCreate block referencesInclude shapes and text that aren’t blocksSimplify complex CAD tasks by creating a BOM automaticallyAutomatically attach shapes and text to a blockReuse blocksAdd and subtract geometries in a drawing from a blockEdit text and symbols for the same block across any drawingSave and run your CAD drawings from anywhereMake interactive CAD drawings with LinkCreate and run CAD drawings remotely in your browserConvert your drawing files to design formats, including those used for CATIA, Inventor, and SolidWorksRevise your edits for the next drawing automaticallyCAD Revisions:Create and load revision histories in the AutoCAD User Preferences. (video: 1:12 min.)Collaborate with CAD tools and make changes to AutoCAD drawings. (video: 1:16 min.)Revise or draw in another drawing on the same drawing sheet, like a new version of the original drawing.Easily set a revision name and mark the revision on the drawing.See the revision history in your User Preferences.Modify and save edits to your drawings from any place in the drawing, even while viewing the drawing in a browser.Convert and reuse revisions in multiple drawings and drawings in multiple folders.Review revisions from multiple drawings in a single window, and export revision histories in a format that can be read by Inventor, CATIA, and SolidWorks.Compose and send design reviews to your project collaborators.Share changes to your drawings with collaborators by attaching a link to the revision.Collaborate:Use the Communicator to send and receive communication, including handwritten notes and drawings, or to post drawings and files online for remote access. (video: 1:15 min.)Create and view 2D or 3D sketches in the Communicator, even on mobile devicesShare files on the webShare 2be273e24d
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